10 Reasons it’s Okay to Fail Epically

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As I was sitting in Bible class Sunday, my mind began to wonder.  For some reason, I kept writing my favorite hashtag again and again, #epicfail.  Crazy, right?  One, why did that # of all things come to mind?  Two, why is that my favorite hashtag?  Honestly, I just love the word epic.  Originally, it was used to refer to a long poem about the adventures (or misadventures) of a hero(ine); but as with everything else these days…it’s lost its significance.  We apply “epic” to just about everything…especially the mundane.  Nonetheless, of all the things we’ve overused and misconstrued in this era where pop culture reigns, I believe #epicfail is pretty spectacular.

If you feel like you’ve failed epically, congratulations!

  1. To fail epically means you declared yourself a hero(ine) of unbelievable stature. And you are!
  2. Whatever you bombed at, you did it with Odysseus swag.
  3. You attempted what no one else would and that in and of itself is a win! When everyone else said you couldn’t be chaste, overcome your past, write a book, build a brand, be a plus sized model, counsel others, live an abundant life after the Pen, do missionary work, be president, raise kids alone, bounce back after divorce, shed unwanted weight, own a company, etc.…you tried it anyway!
  4. To fail epically means you have declared that you can do deeds of superhuman strength. And you can!  Now before you go and try to stop a train in your stilettos (or steel toe boots), let me define what I mean by “superhuman strength.”  Super=Marvelous.  Human=You. You do deeds that only marvelous you can do!
  5. You were afraid, but you leapt anyway. It doesn’t matter if you landed with a thud instead of soaring that first time.  What matters is, you had courage.
  6. To fail epically means you were willing to travel (despite your fears) across vast settings to accomplish your goals. You pushed past your own mindscape and set off across the land of haters, sea of self-doubt, the underworld of depression, outer space of disorganization, and whatever other terrain, to accomplish something amazing.
  7. To fail epically means you have declared your journey must involve supernatural forces. And it must!  Regardless of what you call It, we are nothing without a Higher Power.
  8. You took a chance but you also know that nothing about you is by chance. You realize that you are made purposefully because you are purposed.  Not to mention, when you’re in a position where you cannot see how your story will turn out, He is the all-seeing narrator and has vantage points that have not come into view for you just yet.  His Providence will make all the various plots, conflicts, and broken metaphors of your life come together into an #epicstory.
  9. You pushed through when the odds were stacked against you because you believed in you! You believed that the goals you have are worth achieving!
  10. To fail epically means you are trying, that you are daring, that you are a hero(ine) with superhuman strength who has decided she would rather #failepically than live #insignificantly.